143. Zara zhoes

My daily style, Anastasia style, pants Zara, top Prada, kimono Balloon, kimono, white and black shoes, Zara shoes, black and white, black kimono, vintage style, Florence, fashion blogger, blog, blog vintage, top, black top, pantaloni a vita alta.

My daily style, Anastasia style, pants Zara, top Prada, kimono Balloon, kimono, white and black shoes, Zara shoes, black and white, black kimono, vintage style, Florence, fashion blogger, blog, blog vintage, top, black top, pantaloni a vita alta.

My daily style, Anastasia style, pants Zara, top Prada, kimono Balloon, kimono, white and black shoes, Zara shoes, black and white, black kimono, vintage style, Florence, fashion blogger, blog, blog vintage, top, black top, pantaloni a vita alta.

My daily style, Anastasia style, pants Zara, top Prada, kimono Balloon, kimono, white and black shoes, Zara shoes, black and white, black kimono, vintage style, Florence, fashion blogger, blog, blog vintage, top, black top, pantaloni a vita alta.

My daily style, Anastasia style, pants Zara, top Prada, kimono Balloon, kimono, white and black shoes, Zara shoes, black and white, black kimono, vintage style, Florence, fashion blogger, blog, blog vintage, top, black top, pantaloni a vita alta.

Cari lettori, avete sentito che temperature? Credo che tutti i vestitini svolazzanti cui sono solita indossare in questo periodo rimarranno ancora chiusi nell’armadio in attesa dei meravigliosi 30 gradi.
Oggi sono reduce da un piccolo intervento ai denti quindi vi mostro alcune foto scattate qualche giorno quando non avevo ancora la faccia gonfia, il dolore pulsante che s’irradia alla tempie ed i nervi scoperti…..
Indosso pantaloni a vita alta di Zara, top di Prada (old), kimono di Balloon e sandali di Zara.

Dear readers, what temperatures! I believe all my fluttering dresses, which I am used to wear during this period, will still be in the closet waiting for my desired wonderful 30 degrees.
Today I’m back from a little dental surgery I’ll show you some pictures taken a few days before when I was with a swollen face, throbbing pain radiating to the temples and nerves …..
I wear Zara high-waisted trousers, Prada (old) top, Balloon kimono and Zara sandals.

Queridos lectores, otravez el frio. Creo que todos los vestidos de verano seguirán cerrados en el armario esperando los maravillosos 30 grados.
Hoy me quitaron un diente por eso os muestro algunas fotos tomadas hace uno dias, quanto todavia non tenia cara inchioda,un dolor orrible y los nervios descubiertos…
Llevo pantalones de Zara, top de Prada (old), kimono Balloon y sandalias de Zara.

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