85. A white T shirt

Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M

Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M

Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M

Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M

Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M

Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M

Working look, new look, vintage clothing outfit, Zara shoes, Zara T shirt, vintage pants, leather pants, Anastasia, Florence, mysouldress, my soul, white T shirt, look  T shirt,  Necklace vintage, original Necklace, black bag, sweater H&M

Carissimi lettori,
che giornata! Questa sì che è primavera…un brivido indossare solo una T-shirt per stare al sole, con i bambini che corrono da tutte le parti…ed è primavera soprattutto per loro, dopo un inverno passato chiusi in casa a colorare e a tirarsi i capelli, finalmente un po’ di sano movimento e già qualche sbucciatura sulle ginocchia.
Oggi voglio presentarvi un look da lavoro: pantaloni di pelle vintage, T shirt bianca di Zara, sandali di Zara, maglione H&M e bag un regalo.

Dear readers,
what a day! Now it’s spring … It’s great wearing only a T-shirt at the sun, with children running everywhere … and it is spring expecially for them, after a winter spent locked in the house to color and hair pulling, finally some healthy movement and the first peeling on his knees.
Today I want to present you a working look: vintage leather pants, Sara T shirt and sandals, H & M sweater and a gifted bag.

Estimados lectores,
qué día! Ahora si que es primavera …es una emoción vestirse sólo con una flanel para estar al sol, con los niños corriendo por todos lados … Y es priemavera especialmente para ello, después de un invierno pasado encerrado en la casa a pjntar y tirarse el pelo, al fin un poco de movimiento saludable y algunas rascadas en las rodillas.
Hoy os quiero presentae un outfit para el trabajo: pantalones de cuero vintage, camiseta Zara, sandalias, Zara, suéter H&M y mi nuevo bolso.

7 pensieri riguardo “85. A white T shirt

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